SonarQube step configuration
You can run scans and ingest results from SonarQube to analyze your code repos and ensure that they are secure, reliable, readable, and modular, among other key attributes.
Important notes for running SonarQube scans in STO
- STO supports repository scanning only for SonarQube.
- STO supports all languages supported by SonarQube.
- Before you scan your repo, make sure that you perform any prerequisites for the language used in your repo. For details about specific language requirements, go to the SonarQube language reference.
- By default, STO allocates 500Mi memory for the Sonarqube scan container. This should be enough for Ingestion scans. For Orchestration and Extraction scans, Harness recommends that you allocate at least 2GB for the container. You can customize resource limits in the Set Container Resources section of the SonarQube step.
- You need to run the scan step with root access if you need to add trusted certificates to your scan images at runtime.
- You can set up your STO scan images and pipelines to run scans as non-root and establish trust for your own proxies using self-signed certificates. For more information, go to Configure STO to Download Images from a Private Registry.
Root access requirements
If you want to add trusted certificates to your scan images at runtime, you need to run the scan step with root access.
You can set up your STO scan images and pipelines to run scans as non-root and establish trust for your proxies using custom certificates. For more information, go to Configure STO to Download Images from a Private Registry.
For more information
The following topics contain useful information for setting up scanner integrations in STO:
SonarQube step settings for STO scans
The recommended workflow is to add a SonarQube step to a Security or Build stage and then configure it as described below.
A Docker-in-Docker background step is not required for this workflow.
Scan Mode
- Orchestration Configure the step to run a scan and then ingest, normalize, and deduplicate the results.
- Extraction Configure the step to extract scan results from an external SaaS service and then ingest, normalize, and deduplicate the data.
- Ingestion Configure the step to read scan results from a data file and then ingest, normalize, and deduplicate the data.
Scan Configuration
The predefined configuration to use for the scan.
- Default Extract results for the Main branch defined in SonarQube. SonarQube Community Edition supports extracting scan results for the Main branch only.
- Branch Scan In Orchestration or Extraction mode, extract results based on how the pipeline is executed:
- Manual executions - The branch defined in SonarQube (Target variant)
- Triggered executions - The pull request defined in SonarQube
Repository Scan a codebase repo.
In most cases, you specify the codebase using a code repo connector that connects to the Git account or repository where your code is stored. For information, go to Configure codebase.
Target and Variant Detection
When Auto is enabled for code repositories, the step detects these values using git
- To detect the target, the step runs
git config --get remote.origin.url
. - To detect the variant, the step runs
git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
. The default assumption is that theHEAD
branch is the one you want to scan.
Note the following:
- Auto is not available when the Scan Mode is Ingestion.
- Auto is the default selection for new pipelines. Manual is the default for old pipelines, but you might find that neither radio button is selected in the UI.
The identifier for the target, such as codebaseAlpha
or jsmith/myalphaservice
. Descriptive target names make it much easier to navigate your scan data in the STO UI.
It is good practice to specify a baseline for every target.
If you're running an Extraction scan, this field should match the code repository name in SonarQube.
The identifier for the specific variant to scan. This is usually the branch name, image tag, or product version. Harness maintains a historical trend for each variant.
If you're running an Extraction scan, this field should match the branch or PR defined in SonarQube.
The workspace path on the pod running the scan step. The workspace path is /harness
by default.
You can override this if you want to scan only a subset of the workspace. For example, suppose the pipeline publishes artifacts to a subfolder /tmp/artifacts
and you want to scan these artifacts only. In this case, you can specify the workspace path as /harness/tmp/artifacts
Ingestion File
The path to your scan results when running an Ingestion scan, for example /shared/scan_results/myscan.latest.sarif
The data file must be in a supported format for the scanner.
The data file must be accessible to the scan step. It's good practice to save your results files to a shared path in your stage. In the visual editor, go to the stage where you're running the scan. Then go to Overview > Shared Paths. You can also add the path to the YAML stage definition like this:
- stage:
- /shared/scan_results
The URL of the SonarQube server. This is required for Orchestration and Extraction scans. This value corresponds to the
setting in SonarQube.
The fully-qualified URL to the scanner.
Enforce SSL
The step and the scanner communicate over SSL by default. Set this to false to disable SSL (not safe).
Access Token
The access token to log in to the scanner. This is usually a password or an API key.
You should create a Harness text secret with your encrypted token and reference the secret using the format <+secrets.getValue("my-access-token")>
. For more information, go to Add and Reference Text Secrets.
Harness recommends that you use a SonarQube user token that includes permissions to run scans and to create projects.
If you use a project token, you must have access to the SonarQube project that you want to scan.
For more information, go to Generating and using tokens in the SonarQube documentation.
Scan Tool
Project key
The unique key of the SonarQube project to scan.
If you want to exclude some files from a scan, you can use this setting to configure the sonar.exclusions
in your SonarQube project. For more information, go to Narrowing the Focus in the SonarQube docs.
Java Libraries
A comma-separated list of paths to files with third-party libraries used by your tests. For SonarQube scans, this corresponds to the
Java Binaries
A comma-separated list of paths to the folders with the bytecode files you want to scan. For SonarQube scans, this corresponds to the
Log Level
The minimum severity of the messages you want to include in your scan logs. You can specify one of the following:
Additional CLI flags
You can add CLI flags to run the sonar-scanner binary with specific command-line arguments. Here are some examples:
: Suppose the scan is experiencing timeouts due to long response times from a web service. This flag increases the timeout window. -
: The project name. -
: The project version to scan. -
: The unique key of the project to scan. -
: The test files to exclude from the scan.
YAML example
- step:
type: Sonarqube
cli: "-Dsonar.projectVersion=1.2.3"
Passing additional CLI flags is an advanced feature. Harness recommends the following best practices:
Test your flags and arguments thoroughly before you use them in your Harness pipelines. Some flags might not work in the context of STO.
Don't add flags that are already used in the default configuration of the scan step.
To check the default configuration, go to a pipeline execution where the scan step ran with no additional flags. Check the log output for the scan step. You should see a line like this:
Command [ scancmd -f json -o /tmp/output.json ]
In this case, don't add
to Additional CLI flags.
Fail on Severity
Every STO scan step has a Fail on Severity setting. If the scan finds any vulnerability with the specified severity level or higher, the pipeline fails automatically. You can specify one of the following:
— Do not fail on severity
The YAML definition looks like this: fail_on_severity : critical # | high | medium | low | info | none
Use this field to add environment variables to your SonarQube scans. For example, you can add proxy settings if your SonarQube instance is behind a proxy.
Additional Configuration
In the Additional Configuration settings, you can use the following options:
Advanced settings
In the Advanced settings, you can use the following options:
SonarQube proxy settings
If there's a proxy between your Harness pipeline and your SonarQube server, you can add your proxy settings under Settings. For example:
JVM_NO_PROXY : sonar.myorg.local
View scan results in SonarQube portal
You can access scan results for your targets in the SonarQube portal. These results are organized under projects titled with your target/repository name. Further, you can view scan results specific to branches, PRs, and tags based on the scans performed in STO.
Locate STO scan results in SonarQube portal
- Branch scan results: If you scanned a branch, you can find the results in SonarQube with the same branch name.
- Pull Request scan results: If you scanned a PR, the results are located under the name
, where<PR_NUMBER>
is the specific number of the pull request. - Tag scan results: If you scanned a tag, the results are available with the same tag name.
Set the name for your scans
When using the scan configuration Branch Scan, you can set the naming of the scan as it will appear in the SonarQube portal. This can be configured as follows:
- Under Scan Tool, set the Analysis Type to Manual.
- Set the Branch Name to the name you want to use for your scan results in the SonarQube portal.

Best practices
You can use Harness expressions to automatically populate values from triggers. For example, you can define the "Branch Name" as <+trigger.sourceBranch>/<+trigger.prNumber>
. This will generate a naming convention in the format SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME/PR_NUMBER, which is particularly useful when triggering scans on a specific PR.
This setup ensures that the scan result name reflects both the branch and the PR, making it easier to identify and manage scan results in the SonarQube portal.
Generate coverage reports and upload to SonarQube
You can set up your pipeline to generate test coverage reports and then get them pushed up to your SonarQube instance. To do this:
Add a Run step to your pipeline before the SonarQube step.
Set the Image field to a base image that's compatible with the repo you're scanning.
Add commands to install the binary and any other dependencies required to generate the coverage report.
Add the commands necessary to generate the report.
Add a failure strategy to the Run step and configure it to ignore all failures.
This step is required if you want the pipeline to proceed even if it can't generate a coverage report.
Update your SonarQube step with the path to the coverage report.
This step is required only if you saved your report to a non-default folder and/or filename.
To specify the report path, add the CLI argument for the report path to Additional CLI Flags in your SonarQube scan step.
You must ensure that you generate reports that
can find and upload, and that your SonarQube instance can ingest. -
For more information, go to Test Coverage in the SonarQube documentation.
Carefully review the specific language reference to make sure that you install the required binaries and dependencies, and that you publish your reports in the correct format.
Example: generate a Python coverage report
Here's an example workflow for generating a Python 3.9 coverage report:
Add the Run step.
Set the Image to
. -
Add commands to install
and any other dependencies required to generate the report. -
Add a
command to generate a coverage report. The specific usage depends on the language and platform. -
Add a second
command to convert the report to a SonarQube-compatible XML report. -
If the Run step saves the coverage report to a non-default location, add the report path to Additional CLI Flags in your SonarQube scan step. For example:
Here's what the Run step looks like in YAML:
- step:
type: Run
name: Run_Tests
identifier: generate_python_coverage_report
connectorRef: account.harnessImage
image: python:3.9-alpine
shell: Sh
command: |-
# Install coverage and other
# dependencies required by the code repo.
pip install pytest-django pytest-cov
python3 -m pip install coverage
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Run coverage commands to generate a report
# and then convert the report to XML.
# This method ensures that SonarQube can ingest the resulting report.
coverage run -m pytest **/tests
coverage xml
Troubleshoot Sonar Scans
Can't generate SonarQube report due to shallow clone
- Error message:
Shallow clone detected, no blame information will be provided. You can convert to non-shallow with 'git fetch --unshallow'
- Cause: If the depth setting in your pipeline's codebase configuration is shallow, SonarQube can't generate a report. This is a known SonarQube issue.
- Solution: Change the
Add the sonar.projectVersion to a Harness pipeline
In your SonarQube step, declare -Dsonar.projectVersion
under Additional CLI Flags.
SonarQube doesn't scan the main branch and pull request branches in the same pipeline
Harness introduced a fix in STO release 1.83.1 to provide better support for orchestrated branch and pull-request scanning with SonarQube Enterprise.
- With this fix, the orchestration step always downloads results for the scanned branch or pull request.
- To scan a branch or pull request, select Branch Scan in Scan Configuration. With this option selected, the step scans the branch or pull request specified in the pipeline execution.
If SonarQube doesn't scan both the main branch and pull request (PR) branches within the same pipeline, it might indicate an issue with the pull request setup in SonarQube.
One potential solution involves configuring conditional arguments within the Harness Platform to handle PR and branch scan requests separately. To implement this solution, you can use conditional executions to run specific steps based on whether it's a PR scan request or a branch scan request. For example, your conditional executions could use JEXL expressions with codebase variables like <>=="branch"
or <>=="pr"
This approach ensures proper configuration and execution of SonarQube scans for both main and PR branches within your pipeline.